6 Powerful Benefits of Avocados You May Not Know

Written by Gary Schwartz | Last updated: 04/20/2024

Avocados have captured the hearts of health enthusiasts and those on a weight-loss journey. Their rise to fame is well-deserved, as they offer a wealth of benefits and have become the darling of many healthy diets.

We all know that avocados are healthy and low in carbs and glycemic index. Moreover, they are packed with super nutrients like monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. But wait—there's even more to discover!

Two avocado halves, a delicious addition to any meal

Two avocado halves, a delicious addition to any meal

Over the past decade, the demand for avocados has doubled, making them a popular fruit. Mexico, Latin America, and California are the most prominent suppliers of avocados.

Did you know that there are more than a thousand types of avocados?

In the United States, we usually see the Hass avocado, which is very popular. However, the supply of avocados has decreased this year, so you may have to pay a higher price for them, but they are worth it for your health and body.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health: [6]

"A whole medium avocado contains about 240 calories, 13 grams carbohydrate, 3 grams protein, 22 grams fat (15 grams monounsaturated, 4 grams polyunsaturated, 3 grams saturated), 10 grams fiber, and 11 milligrams sodium. Along with their low sodium levels, avocados contain no cholesterol."

Avocados are a true superfood, packed with numerous health benefits that are hard to ignore. They are a must-have addition to any healthy diet, promoting heart health and aiding weight loss.

According to the National Library of Medicine: [7]

"One avocado fruit (136 g) has nutrient and phytochemical profiles similar to 1.5 ounces (42.5 g) of tree nuts (almonds, pistachios, or walnuts), which have qualified heart health claims."

Let's explore and discover how much avocados can do for your health!

Table of Contents

1 - Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels and Combat Metabolic Syndrome

Avocados' nutrition can help stabilize blood sugar and insulin, fight diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and contribute to fat loss and muscle building.

Avocados have a low glycemic index, which means they don't trigger a surge in blood sugar levels or release no fat-storing insulin. Additionally, the healthy fat in avocados keeps you feeling full for longer periods, reducing food cravings. This makes them an excellent choice for those wishing to lose weight despite their caloric density.

Consuming avocados reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome by 50%. They help stabilize blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, and reduce triglycerides.

According to a study published in Nutrition Journal [1] in January 2013, which involved 17,567 participants, people who consume avocados generally have a more balanced diet than those who don't.

Avocado eaters had significantly higher intakes of fruits, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants. People who eat them regularly have substantially lower BMI and body weight.


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2 - Cancer Prevention

The Journal of Nutrition and Cancer has published a study highlighting the significant role of avocados in fighting cancer. [2] According to the study, the phytochemicals present in avocados are as potent as some chemotherapy drugs.

Furthermore, research suggests that these phytochemicals can trigger cancer cell cycle death, inhibit growth, and induce apoptosis in precancerous and cancerous cell lines. [3]

Avocado's abundance of monounsaturated fats helps fight cancer by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Beta-sitosterol protects the prostate gland and improves immune functions. Carotenoids fight skin cancer and aging.

TIP: Try our Avocado Bruschetta Recipe - Click Here

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3 - Avocados Are Packed With Healthy Fats

Avocados provide a rich source of oleic acid, a beneficial fat also found in olive oil. This type of fat has been shown to reduce harmful cholesterol levels and fight against certain types of cancer.

In contrast to saturated fats or heavily processed vegetable oils, avocado oil can help regulate blood sugar and protect the health of the heart and brain. Essentially, the monounsaturated fat found in olive oil is the same fat that makes avocados so good for you.

Avocados can help prevent arteriosclerosis by their capacity to reduce blood sugar levels. Additional health-supporting components encompass fiber, beta-sitosterol, magnesium, and potassium, contributing to blood pressure regulation and the reduction of LDL cholesterol levels.

This study found that eating avocados can significantly reduce total cholesterol (17%), LDL cholesterol (22%), and triglycerides (22%) while increasing healthy HDL cholesterol (11%). The study suggests that avocado fat is beneficial to our health.


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4 - Weight Loss

Despite criticisms of their calorie and fat content, avocados can support weight loss efforts. Low-carbohydrate diets can help reduce body fat and curb hunger by regulating blood sugar and insulin levels. Fatty foods are incredibly satisfying, leading to a decrease in overall food consumption.

Healthy fats help you stay full longer and absorb nutrients better. A 2005 study investigated the effects of incorporating avocados, a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, into a calorie-restricted diet on weight loss, serum lipids, and vascular function in overweight and obese individuals. [4] [5]

According to the research, incorporating 30 grams of fat from avocado in a calorie-controlled diet did not hinder weight loss compared to consuming 30 grams of mixed dietary fats. A diet high in avocados led to a noteworthy reduction in weight and other health benefits.

During the study, both groups experienced a significant decrease in body mass, body mass index, and body fat percentage. However, only the group given avocados showed positive changes in fatty acid blood serum levels. This indicates that avocados have weight loss benefits.

5 - Eye Health

Avocados are rich in carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that support eye health. They also contain alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and significant quantities of vitamin E. 

Avocados contain oleic acid, which helps the body absorb carotenoids, convert them into vitamin A, and utilize antioxidants from other foods. 

Carotenoid benefits include:

  • Lowering inflammation.
  • Promoting healthy growth and development.
  • Boosting immunity, among others.
Benefits of Avocado Toast with Salmon
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6 - Your Skin and Hair are a Reflection of Your Overall Health

Phytochemicals and antioxidants found in avocados can help protect against damage inflicted by sun exposure and environmental factors. These natural compounds are effective in fighting against harmful free radicals. They do this by reducing inflammation and minimizing DNA damage.

People who consume diets rich in antioxidants and healthy fats are likely to have healthier and less wrinkly skin, unlike those who consume the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Colorful vegetables like avocados contain healthy carotenoids that can add a rich, nutritious, golden glow to your skin. They are rich in oils and vitamins, making them suitable for moisturizing and calming facial masks when mashed up.

Organic cold pressed avocado oil is an excellent choice if you want supple, moisturized skin and strong, shiny hair. It offers numerous benefits to both skin and hair.

Avocado contains many natural compounds called phytonutrients, which can help to fight osteoarthritis and other diseases caused by inflammation. These compounds, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to the growing worldwide demand for avocados, countries like Mexico and many South American countries have increased production to meet the demand.

Increased demand and soaring avocado prices have led to illegal deforestation in certain regions worldwide, often controlled by cartels aiming to monopolize the supply of this sought-after food.

It's important to handle avocados carefully and monitor them closely to prevent them from going bad. Knowing how to store leftover avocados will help you maximize their nutritional benefits.


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How to Integrate Avocados into Your Diet

There are many great avocado recipes out there—I prefer the quick and easy ones.

One of my favorite breakfasts is to spread some ripe avocado on gluten-free (sourdough) toast, add a slice of natural ham, and a free-range egg cooked in butter or extra virgin olive oil. It's a great low-carb, high-nutrient breakfast to fuel your day!

Another one of my favorite avocado recipes is Avocado Bruschetta:

This avocado toast combines creamy avocado with a bite of red onion, basil, lemon, and crisp cucumber for a refreshing and healthy appetizer.

To view the recipe, click here.

Avocado Oil is a Healthier Option for You

Avocado oil is healthier than canola, olive, and sunflower oil.

It's important to know about the smoke point of cooking oils as it indicates the temperature at which an oil begins to break down and release harmful compounds that can have negative effects on your health. Therefore, being aware of the smoke point of different oils can help you make healthier choices while cooking.

When it comes to cooking, it is important to select an oil with a high smoke point. Avocado oil is an excellent choice as it has a high smoke point of 520ºF. This makes it ideal for all-purpose oil or high-heat cooking.

Why should I buy cold pressed avocado oil?

Cold pressed avocado oil is an oil extracted from avocado fruit using a mechanical method known as cold pressing. This method involves mechanically crushing or pressing ripe avocados at low temperatures, usually below 50°C or 120°F, to extract the oil.

Cold pressing helps retain the avocado oil's natural flavor, color, and nutritional properties, as it doesn't involve high heat or chemical solvents. As a result, cold pressed avocado oil is often considered a high-quality oil and is valued for its rich flavor, vibrant green color, and nutrient content.

This extraction method preserves the oil's beneficial compounds, including monounsaturated fats, antioxidants like vitamin E, and other nutrients. Cold-pressed avocado oil is commonly used in cooking, salad dressings, dips, and other culinary applications, as well as in skincare products for its moisturizing and nourishing properties.

If you are looking for a nutritious and safe option to enhance the flavor of your salads, meats, and pasta, organic cold pressed avocado oil is an excellent choice as it offers numerous benefits to your health and wellbeing.

However, if you're looking to use olive oil for salads or medium-heat cooking, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a good option as well. Experts suggest that a high-quality EVOO has a smoke point of approximately 410 degrees Fahrenheit, making it suitable for sautéing and roasting.

Bottom Line

To summarize, avocados are not only delicious and creamy but also have many benefits for your health. Eating avocados can help you lose weight, improve your heart health, and make your skin look better.

It's a good idea to consider adding avocados to your diet if you want to enjoy these benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are avocados good for weight loss?

Yes, avocados can be beneficial for weight loss. Despite high calories and fat, they contain healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber, which can keep you full and satisfied, potentially reducing overall calorie intake.

Is avocado a stone fruit or a vegetable?

An avocado is technically a fruit, specifically a type of berry, as it contains a seed and develops from the flower of the avocado tree.

Why is avocado a superfood?

Avocado is a superfood because it contains a rich nutrient profile. It's an excellent source of vitamins C, E, K, and B vitamins, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. The healthy fats in avocado support heart health and aid in nutrient absorption. It's high in fiber, promotes digestive health and satiety, and contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage. Overall, avocado is a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

How do you know when an avocado is ripe?

To check if an avocado is ripe, gently press the skin near the stem. It is ripe and ready to eat if it yields slightly under gentle pressure. Avoid avocados that feel mushy or have large indentations.

How do I prevent avocados from turning brown?

To prevent avocados from turning brown after they are cut, store them with the pit intact or sprinkle the cut surface with lemon or lime juice, which helps to slow down oxidation.

How can I store avocados to keep them fresh?

Store unripe avocados at room temperature until they ripen, then transfer them to the refrigerator to slow the ripening process. Store cut avocados with the pit intact or tightly wrapped in plastic to prevent browning.

Can you eat unripe avocado?

If you have an unripe avocado, it's technically safe to eat, but it won't taste as good as a ripe one. Unripe avocados are firmer and lack the creamy texture and nutty flavor of ripe ones. Fortunately, you can ripen an avocado at home. Simply keep it at room temperature in a paper bag or with other fruits like bananas, which emit ethylene gas that speeds up the ripening process. Once the avocado is ripe, it will be softer to the touch and ready to eat.

What are the health benefits of eating avocados?

Avocados offer numerous health benefits. They are rich in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which can help improve heart health, promote weight management, support digestion, and enhance skin health.

Are avocados safe to eat if I have high cholesterol?

Yes, avocados can be included in a heart-healthy diet for individuals with high cholesterol. They are rich in monounsaturated fats, which can help lower LDL (harmful) cholesterol levels while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Are avocados high in calories?

While avocados contain more calories than many other fruits and vegetables because of their healthy fat content, the majority of these fats are monounsaturated fats, which reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Is avocado good for your skin?

Avocados can help keep your skin healthy. They have a lot of vitamins E and C, which can protect your skin from free radicals. These vitamins are also antioxidants. Avocados also have healthy fats that can deeply moisturize and nourish your skin. Adding avocado to your skincare routine could be a good idea.

Can avocado oil be used for baking?

Yes, avocado oil is perfect for baking, roasting, and other high-temperature cooking methods because it has a high smoke point. It has a neutral flavor and a light texture, which can work well in baked goods like cakes, muffins, and cookies.

Can dogs eat avocados?

If you are a pet owner, you should know that it's not a good idea to give avocados to dogs due to the presence of a natural compound called persin. This substance has the potential to cause digestive issues or other health problems in dogs if ingested in large amounts.



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BONUS: Recipe - Avocado Bruschetta

Please note: This recipe originates from Hestan Cue.

This avocado toast combines creamy avocado with a bite of red onion, basil, lemon, and crisp cucumber for a refreshing and healthy appetizer.

Recipe for Serving 2 - Ingredients:

  • 1/2 small red onion
  • 1/4 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 small cucumber
  • freshly cracked black pepper
  • 1 avocado
  • 1/4 bunch fresh basil
  • 2 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2-4 slices of sourdough bread
  • extra virgin olive oil

Thinly slice the small red onion.

Dice the small cucumber into tiny cubes you can use as garnish on top of the bread.

Quarter the cherry tomatoes.

Add all three ingredients to a medium-sized mixing bowl.

Next, marinate the tomatoes, onion, and cucumber with

  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/8 tsp kosher salt
  • 3-5 turns of freshly cracked black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice

Preparing the Avocado:

  • Cut the avocado in half, cut it into a crosshatch pattern, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.
  • Thinly slice about 2 tsp of basil

Make the Avocado Spread:

Using a fork, gently smash the avocado. Measure and mix the olive oil, black pepper, salt, lemon juice, and basil until they are well combined.

  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 turns freshly cracked black pepper
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp thinly sliced basil

Slice the bread into 1-inch thick pieces. Brush both sides of the bread with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle salt on both sides as needed.

Place the two slices of bread on a preheated grill and cook each side for about 5-6 minutes at 400°F.

Place the grilled bread on a serving plate. Spread avocado spread on the bread and top with marinated cherry tomatoes, sliced onion, and cucumber.

Garnish and Serve:

Sprinkle with garnishing salt, freshly ground black pepper, and sliced basil. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and serve immediately. Enjoy!


[1] Avocado consumption is associated with better diet quality ...


[2] Selective induction of apoptosis of human oral cancer cell lines by avocado extracts via a ROS-mediated mechanism


[3] Avocado fruit (Persea americana Mill) exhibits chemo-protective potentiality against cyclophosphamide induced genotoxicity in human lymphocyte culture


[4] Substitution of high monounsaturated fatty acid avocado for mixed dietary fats during an energy-restricted diet: effects on weight loss, serum lipids, fibrinogen, and vascular function


[5] Pieterse, Z., Jerling, J. C., Oosthuizen, W., Kruger, H. S., Hanekom, S. M., Smuts, C. M., & Schutte, A. E. (2005). Substitution of high monounsaturated fatty acid avocado for mixed dietary fats during an energy-restricted diet: Effects on weight loss, serum lipids, fibrinogen, and vascular function. Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2004.09.010

[6] Avocados | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/avocados/

[7] National Library of Medicine

Hass Avocado Composition and Potential Health Effects



Print Length: 51 Pages


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About The Author

Gary Schwartz is the founder of GSK-Live-Healthy. He has always been passionate about outdoor activities such as running, mountain biking, tennis, skiing, and paragliding. Eventually, he discovered his passion for running longer distances and completed his first marathon in 2006. Throughout his journey, he realized the transformative power of healthy food choices, stress reduction techniques, and other healthy lifestyle habits. He is eager to share his expertise with those who want to live their healthiest and most fulfilling lives.

As someone passionate about health and fitness, he has devoted his time to researching and sharing the latest insights on how to live a healthy, fulfilling life. He aims to provide practical, evidence-based advice to help readers transform their lives. Whether he's writing about the benefits of regular exercise, the importance of quality sleep, or strategies for reducing stress, he draws on his own personal experience and expert knowledge to offer actionable tips that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine.

Thank you for choosing GSK-Live-Healthy as your trusted source of information on healthy living and wishing you all the best on your journey towards a healthier you!


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