Body. Mind. Spirit.


Your Body Is A Reflection Of Your Nature



Stress is a permanent feature of our lives, but it really seems to ramp up at work. More than two-thirds of American workers report that workplace stress is a problem.

This means we’re all spending way too much time in “fight or flight” mode. And it’s taking a toll on our bodies through weakened immune systems, high blood pressure, and heart disease. These conditions shorten our lives and lower the quality of what’s left.

There are lots of strategies for managing stress, but when stress blindsides us with no time to prepare, we don’t need strategy. We need quick, practical steps we can take NOW that work fast and can be done anywhere.

When stress launches its next surprise attack, try one of these:

- breathe deeply

- visualize mentally

- relax progressively

- natural remedies, like Kava stress relief tea



Breathing deeply could be the single most effective way to stay calm. Everyone breathes, but a lot of us breathe the wrong way – shallow, fast, and high in the chest. This kind of breathing is restrictive, it increases our anxious feelings, and it fuels our body’s negative stress reactions.

Slow, deep breathing triggers a relaxation response, calms the body and focuses the mind. It increases the amount of oxygen in our blood, and raises our performance potential.

Learn how to - Exercise Deep Breathing - (< Play Video)



How do you react when your plans fall through? Do you roll with the punches? Or does anxiety keep you from enjoying life? To a great extent, our personality determines how we deal with stress in our lives, but here are four things to help keep your stress under control:

  • Sleep more. It’s very common in our society to have less than 6 hours of sleep a night. But experts keep telling us we need at least 7-8 hours. Not just to rest our bodies, but to rejuvenate our minds. “Tired” and “cranky” seem to go hand in hand. Don’t use your bedroom to watch the news or finish up some work from the office. Make that room your haven, a place to relax and escape the day. Have a hot cup of tea, take a warm bath, or read a book to help you unwind.
  • Turn it off. The convenience that cell phones have added to our lives can actually be a double-edged sword. We depend on them so much it seems we can’t live without them. This increased accessibility means not only can our loved ones reach us at any time, but so can work. If your employer legitimately needs to have your cell phone number, make sure you set clear limits on when you can and cannot be reached. Your time off is yours.
  • Take some time off. It doesn’t have to be a fancy vacation resort. A day at the beach, or an afternoon at the park will do. Just anywhere you can be and not think about the bills, work, or whatever tensions you may have. It’s important to take time for yourself, so do it! You’ll feel better with a fresh perspective.
  • Treat yourself. Sign up for a yoga class at your local gym or community center. The costs are nominal, and you’ll feel more relaxed after even just one session. A monthly massage or a spa treatment is also a great way to recharge.

Stress is unavoidable. But what we do about it is up to us. Experiment with these suggestions and see what works for you!



Medical research has determined that prolonged stress is very bad for the body, and can block the body’s natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself. As much as 90% of illness and disease is stress-related.

Stress is both a physical and psychological response. It can lead to chronic disease, obesity, insomnia, deteriorating relationships, depression, and more.



Stress is such a powerful and harmful force that it is vital that you learn effective stress management techniques to live a successful, happy, and healthy life. We must remember that we will always come across inevitable factors that cause pressure and anxiety on us. What we forget is that it is not really the problems that are difficult to deal with, but our attitude towards them. So basically, the cause of stress is your attitude toward these factors. What is an effective way to deal with stress?

  • Identify what makes you stressful and uneasy. Making a list of your stressful experiences is useful. Immediately deal with the issues that you can change, for instance waking up earlier for work in the morning, not leaving things till the last minute, and delegating tasks in case you are taking responsibility for everything. Forget about the issues that you cannot influence like being stuck in traffic.
  • Calm down. A few minutes break would do you good. Wash your face, breathe slowly and deeply, and notice if there is tension in any part of your body and release it. You can also listen to relaxing music, or call a friend. Releasing your inner feelings to a friend is a  healthy option.
  • It will pass and it will be over before you know it. Remind yourself that the stressful event will end sooner or later and you can see the positive sides of things. At the same time, calm down your emotions and think of what is the best thing to do rather than take your energy away from what needs to be done.
  • Know yourself. Ask yourself: What triggers your anxiety? If for example it is your job, then maybe it’s time for you to reconsider whether it would be best to find a less stressful job. You can also make your job more tolerable by allowing yourself to get that needed vacation or leave.
  • Learn to use your relaxation response. Just as we all have within us the stress response, we also have an opposite response, which is the relaxation response.

    The relaxation response involves two steps. Repetition, the repetition can be a word, a sound, an expression, or a repetitive movement. The second step is to ignore other thoughts that come to your mind while you’re doing the repetition, and come back to the repetition. The technique should be used once or twice a day for about 15 minutes. Sit quietly and choose a suitable repetition, like a prayer, the sound Om, or the word love, or calm. Or you can do repetitive exercise, for instance yoga, jogging, Reiki. When you incorporate this into your everyday life, you become calmer and better able to handle the stress factors. Practice makes perfect and the more you practice and relax your mind, the easier it gets.

Stop Overthinking (#Ad)


Atomic Habits (#Ad)


The true causes of stress are not the problems or negative experiences that you encounter in your life; but your attitude toward them. So, the trick is to change your attitude and to develop a relaxed state, because you cannot be stressed and relaxed at the same time.

It is important to understand that what we focus on, we energize. The more you continue to think about the factors that cause your stress, the more energy you give it. So it is vital to let go and focus on relaxation instead.

Important Disclosure: We're a proud Amazon affiliate, meaning if you click a link for a book or other products and make a purchase, we earn a commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Our reviews and recommendations are based on experience and knowledge obtained from these books/products. We recommend them because they are helpful and valuable, not because of the commissions we may receive.

Best Books About Stress Management

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle


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best stress management books - your mental mess

Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps #Ad

best books for managing stress mayo clinic

The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living


good books on stress management - the self-care prescription

The Self Care Prescription: Powerful Solutions to Manage Stress & Reduce Anxiety #Ad

best stress management books stop overthinking

Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress


best books about stress management master your emotions

Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity #Ad

Smart Goals for Managing Stress

Stress management is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life. You can effectively navigate stress and achieve lasting well-being by setting SMART goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound.

Introduced in 1981 to aid companies, SMART goals have become a powerful tool for personal success. 

To be Specific, define clear objectives like "taking a 20-minute break daily to relax" rather than a vague "reducing stress." 

Ensure goals are Measurable for progress tracking and strike a balance between being challenging and Achievable.

Make them Relevant to your unique situation, such as de-stressing before work if work-related stress is a concern. 

Lastly, set Time-Based deadlines to foster accountability and avoid procrastination.

Embracing SMART goals empowers you to take deliberate steps toward a stress-free life.

Look below at the following Stress Management Goals examples 1 to 3.

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Examples of Smart Goals for Stress Management

Example 1: Integrate Midday Stretch Breaks

SMART Goal: I will incorporate a 10-minute midday stretch break into my daily routine for the next eight weeks to alleviate physical tension and enhance my overall well-being. I will perform a series of stretches focusing on different muscle groups, paying attention to proper form and deep, controlled breathing.

Specific: I will outline a set of particular stretches targeting areas prone to tension, ensuring each movement contributes to a comprehensive midday stretch routine.

Measurable: Progress will be tracked through improved flexibility, reduced muscle tightness, and an overall sense of physical comfort.

Achievable: Starting with a 10-minute duration makes this goal achievable within the constraints of a busy day, and I can gradually increase the duration as it becomes a consistent habit.

Relevant: This goal directly addresses the physical stress accumulated throughout the day, promoting a healthier body and reducing the impact of prolonged sitting or repetitive tasks.

Time-Bound: I will allocate a specific timeframe during midday for this stretch break, ensuring it becomes an integral part of my routine over the next eight weeks.

Example 2: Daily 40-Minute Exercise Routine

SMART Goal: Over the next three months, I commit to engaging in a daily 40-minute exercise routine to enhance my physical fitness and reduce stress. I will integrate a combination of cardio workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises into my routine, ensuring a comprehensive and balanced approach to fitness and overall well-being.

Specific: I will outline a diverse daily exercise plan that includes 20 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of strength training, and 5 minutes of flexibility exercises, ensuring a comprehensive and targeted workout.

Measurable: Progress will be measured through increased stamina, strength gains, and improvements in overall fitness levels. I will also track changes in stress levels through self-assessment.

Achievable: Beginning with a 40-minute duration allows for a substantial workout without overwhelming myself, and I can gradually adjust the intensity as my fitness improves.

Relevant: This goal directly addresses the physical and mental aspects of well-being by incorporating cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises, contributing to a holistic approach to stress reduction.

Time-Bound: I will designate a specific time for this 40-minute exercise routine each day, making it a consistent part of my daily schedule over the next three months. I will reassess and adjust the routine as needed to maintain its relevance and effectiveness.

Example 3: Establish a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual

SMART Goal: Over the next two months, I will institute a nightly 30-minute bedtime ritual free from digital screens to improve sleep quality and alleviate the impact of daily stress. During this time, I will engage in calming activities such as reading a book, practicing gentle stretching, and using dimmed, screen-free lighting to foster a tranquil environment.

Specific: The bedtime ritual will focus on calming activities without using digital screens, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

Measurable: Adherence to the digital detox will be tracked, and changes in sleep quality will be assessed through metrics such as sleep duration, depth, and overall sense of restfulness.

Achievable: Tailoring the ritual to personal preferences ensures it aligns with my habits and remains a practical and sustainable addition to my nightly routine.

Relevant: This goal directly addresses stressors related to excessive screen time before bedtime, aiming to create a conducive environment for quality sleep and stress reduction.

Time-Bound: A specific timeframe will be set each evening for the 30-minute digital detox bedtime ritual, allowing consistency and making it an integral part of my pre-sleep routine over the next two months.

Example 4: Cultivate a Nutrient-Rich Eating Plan

SMART Goal: I will adopt a daily dietary regimen incorporating various nutrient-rich foods over the next four months to support overall health and well-being. It will include consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, incorporating lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats into each meal, and minimizing processed foods and added sugars.

Specific: The eating plan will include five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, along with a variety of lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats, while minimizing processed foods and added sugars.

Measurable: Daily adherence to the outlined dietary guidelines will be tracked, and progress will be measured through changes in energy levels, overall well-being, and potential weight management.

Achievable: The goal is structured to be achievable by providing clear guidelines and allowing flexibility in food choices within the specified categories, accommodating individual preferences and nutritional needs.

Relevant: This goal directly addresses the importance of a balanced and nutrient-rich diet in promoting overall health, offering a holistic approach to well-being and stress reduction.

Time-Bound: The four-month timeframe provides a structured period for adopting and internalizing these dietary habits, making them a sustainable and integral part of my lifestyle. I will make regular assessments and adjustments to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.


Your Way To Reduce Stress

One of the best and most tried and true ways for reducing stress is through meditation. Though it may sound intimidating, meditation has occurred in every culture in one form or another throughout history. The following steps will help you learn to clear your mind and relax (#Ad), and you will be amazed at how the stress seems to just melt away!

Begin each relaxation time by reducing distractions, noise, and interruptions. Give yourself the time and privacy you need. Find a comfortable sitting position, wear loose and comfortable clothing.

Relax and take several deep breaths. Close your eyes and try to mentally focus on one peaceful word, thought, or image. If there is a picture, a memory, anything that tends to calm you, try to picture that. For some people it’s the sound of the ocean, for others waterfalls, and for yet others, the memory of staring off a mountain peak. Clear your head, and let your muscles loosen up, don’t worry about what is going on around you. Relax and enjoy the peace that your image brings to you.

When you feel yourself drifting away from the image, don’t force it to stay. This is a good time to stop. Stretch and exhale deeply as you wrap up. This is the most initial and basic form of meditation. While it would work in and of itself to reduce stress, this is also the basis for several other exercises and meditations. When you choose to push on, you will always want to start with a basic form of meditation and relaxation (#Ad).

As you go into further exercises, concentrate on whatever phrases help you relax. Find the phrase that works for you, and look around for other exercises.

Meditation is a great way to relax, and will do more to improve your health and reduce stress than any medication, and the only "side effect" is a calmer healthier life as a result of your improved mood!

Here is a free 8 minute Meditation Video (< Play Video) to reset your mind - you can practice anywhere.

woman practicing meditation

Recommended Meditation DVD:

> Relaxation & Breathing for Meditation (#Ad)

Learn more about Meditation here:

> Meditation Basics


Learn how to - 15 Minutes Pranayama (< Play Video)

Open up your lungs and boost your energy levels.



Research shows plenty of evidence that a quiet mind can have a positive effect on your health including relief for chronic pain and psychological conditions.

Only 8 weeks of daily meditation decreased anxiety and negative mood state. At the same time, it enhanced attention, working memory, and recognition memory.

(Published in Behavioural Brain Research)



Soothes And Banishes Stress

One pleasant way to deal with daily stress and fatigue is to massage it away. For thousands of years, holistic therapies such as aromatherapy massage have been used as a way to refresh and recharge the senses.

A massage with scented oil can help dissolve accumulated stress and toxins. The benefits to be expected from this calming daily ritual include:

  • Increased circulation, especially to nerve endings
  • Toning of the muscles (< Click) and the whole physiology
  • Calming (< Click) for the nerves
  • Lubrication of the joints
  • Increased mental alertness
  • Improved elimination of impurities from the body
  • Softer, smoother skin (< Click)
  • Increased levels of stamina through the day
  • Better, deeper sleep at night

A favorite scented oil used for aromatherapy massage combines olive oil and orange blossom (< Click). Olive oil is well known for its healing properties, both when taken internally and used to lubricate the outer body, while orange blossom oil is a scent that has been used as a stress reliever for years. Together, olive oil and orange blossom offer luxurious skin conditioning with the added benefit of soothing stress-reduction.

These Scented Oils Will Relax Your Body And Mind (#Ad)

MAJESTIC PURE Lavender Massage Oil for Men and Women - Great for Calming, Soothing and to Relax - Blend of Natural Oils for Therapeutic Massaging


MAJESTIC PURE Arnica Sore Muscle Massage Oil for Body - Best Natural Therapy Therapy Oil with Lavender and Chamomile Essential Oils - Warming, Relaxing




Better Health and Longer Life

Yoga is generically defined as a Hindu discipline that helps unite the body and mind. Aimed at achieving a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility, it is practiced in the West most commonly as physical exercise practiced as part of the discipline.

The benefit of yoga practice is nothing new. It has been recognized for many years as the perfect discipline to help one achieve tranquility, better health, and a longer life.

In this modern age, much has been learned about the benefits of yoga. Yoga practitioners achieve greater mobility, longer life, and internal happiness through their practice of the art. Yoga as we know it today is aimed at uniting the mind, body,and spirit. The mysticism of the Hindu discipline is no longer a myth, and is reachable by all willing to learn.

Yoga practice is roughly grouped into three categories:
- Yoga Postures (Asanas),
- Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) and
- Meditation (Dhyana).

These categories embrace physiological, psychological, and biochemical effects. In addition, clinical studies have compared these results against the Western practices of jogging, aerobic exercise, and weight training, and find results comparable.

There are so many different styles of yoga and practices offered through Yoga studios, community centers, online classes, etc these days that it is hard to figure out where to start if you are new to Yoga.

According to Patanjali's Yoga Sutra there is an eight-fold path leading to LIBERATION known as the 'Ashtanga Yoga System' (or Astanga) or 'Eight Limbs of Yoga (< Click).

Patanjali is known as the Father of Modern Yoga, he wrote the Yoga Sutras.

Recommended Book:

- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Sri Swami Satchidanada (#Ad)


  • Reduced nervous tension and stress
  • Decreased muscle tension
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • A decreased heart rate
  • Improved flexibility, range of motion and strength
  • Yoga therapy helps with fatigue, headaches, insomnia, back pain, and much more
  • Boost your immune system



Many Different Styles and Practices

The most popular style of Yoga in the West today is Hatha Yoga. It is designed to focus on the physical well-being of a person and believers in the practice consider the body as the vehicle of the spirit.

Ananda Yoga, a classical style of Hatha Yoga, uses Asana and Pranayama to awaken, experience, and take control of the subtle energies within the body, and focuses on the energies of the seven Chakras.

Anusara yoga is defined as “stepping into the current of Divine Will”, “following your heart”, and “moving with the current of divine will.” This new style, which was developed by John Friend, is defined as “yoga positions that flow from the heart.” It is heart-oriented, spiritually inspiring, and is based on a deep knowledge of outer and inner body alignment. It is based on the principles of Hatha Yoga and biochemical practices. Students of this discipline base their practice on attitude, action, and alignment.

Ashtanga yoga could possibly be the perfect Yoga for those looking for a serious workout. Ashtanga was developed by K. Pattabhi Jois, and is very physically demanding. A series of flows, moving quickly from one posture to another, is utilized to build strength, flexibility and stamina. This style is not good for the beginning practitioner, as it requires 6 series of difficulty. The physical demands of Ashtanga are not for the casual practitioner beginning the journey of yoga fitness.

PS: Ashtanga yoga (Ashtanga vinyasa yoga) as developed by K. Pattabhi Jois should not be confused with Ashtanga (or originally Astanga) - the Eight Limbs of Yoga - classified by Patanjali as classical yoga, as set out in his Yoga Sutra.

Note: Here is a Link to a DVD (#Ad) if you prefer to practice Ashtanga Yoga at home.

Bikram Yoga, named for its founder Bikram Choudhury, is practiced in a room with a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius), intended to replicate the climate of India. Twenty six Asanas are performed in a typical session, and focus is on warming and stretching muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Each pose is accompanied by Kapalabhati Breath, the “breath of fire.” Practice of this style promotes cleansing of the body, the release of toxins, and ultimate flexibility. One must be in very good physical shape to practice Bikram Yoga.

Just to list a few different styles and practices of the more popular ones practiced in the West.

We go a bit further into details in "RECOMMENDED YOGA RESOURCES - WHERE TO START AS A BEGINNER".



Example - Lower Your Blood Pressure

If you didn’t know by now, yoga asanas (postures) can help you in the treatment of high blood pressure. Yoga asanas can help to stabilize your blood pressure and lower the blood pressure when it’s abnormally high.

Asanas have favorable effects on the nervous system too. By practicing certain yoga asanas you can not only lower your blood pressure, but also reduce the effects of hypertension on the other organs of the body.

There are a few categories of asanas which are recommended to lower blood pressure:

- forward bends,
- sitting,
- supine and
- inversions.

  • Forward bends have the best effects on high blood pressure. They can help you the most to lower your blood pressure. These exercises have a calming effect on the brain, the blood circulation to the brain is normalized, and they help you to reduce the stress from the sense organs.
  • Specific asanas which have beneficial effects on the nervous system and help you lower blood pressure are

    - Uttanasana (< Play Video) and
    - Adho Mukha Svanasana (< Play Video),

    which can be practiced with the head resting on props, so the blood circulates more freely into the aortic arch.
  • Sitting asanas such as

    Baddha Konasana
    (< Play Video) and
    - Virasana (< Play Video)

    are some of the sitting asanas which can be practiced in order to get a lower blood pressure by the hypertensives, which in most cases are hard breathing. These poses eliminate the tension from the ribs and the intercostal muscles, so they help you to breathe with ease, and help you to lower your blood pressure.
  • Other poses which can help you to lower your blood pressure are the supine poses, like

    - Supta Baddha Konasana (< Play Video)

    Relaxing the abdominal region, the entire body, and bring calmness to the nerves.
  • Inversion asanas such as

    - Viparita Karani (< Play Video) and
    - Halasana (< Play Video)

    revitalize the nerves, assure the control over the lungs and diaphragm. If you practice these exercises on a regular basis, you will lower your blood pressure over time. There are also useful Svanasana and Pranayama, which provide control over the autonomic nervous system. As the senses and the mind are chilling, the blood pressure stabilizes, and in case of hypertension it leads to a lower blood pressure.

Science of Yoga (#Ad)


Note: Science of Yoga is a great yoga anatomy and physiology book. The Asana section of the book explains in detail what's going on inside the body during yoga practice. Great Book!



Advanced Yoga Practitioner

If you are practicing Yoga for several years and you are interested in taking it to the next level or you are thinking about opening up a new Yoga Studio...

MARK STEPHENS YOGA ... is the place to start.

He is a Certified Yoga Therapist, member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and author of several international bestsellers

Teaching Yoga (#Ad)

Yoga Sequencing (#Ad)

Yoga Adjustments (#Ad)

Yoga Therapy (#Ad)

Yoga for Better Sleep (#Ad)

He offers in-person and online Teacher Training incl. refined Teaching of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation. It also includes in-depth exploration of how to design classes for different styles of yoga, levels of students, etc.

In addition he offers several workshops throughout the year incl. in Cities around the world.

As we wrap up the exploration on "Managing Stress," we sincerely hope you have discovered valuable insights and acquired new techniques to enhance your stress management skills in the coming days.

Your feedback is of utmost importance to us. We are genuinely interested in hearing about how this information has benefited you, specifically the aspects that prompted you to adopt a fresh approach or discover more effective methods for managing stress.

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A Healthy Body Is The Key To A Healthy Mind

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can improve your overall well-being and increase your life expectancy.

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Additionally, incorporating certain foods, herbs, and plants into your diet can provide excellent health benefits, such as green tea, ginseng, olive oil, and lemons. Click on any of these items to learn more.

Remember, choosing healthy foods is a crucial first step towards a happier and healthier life.

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